The Henderson - Syphrett Family Reunion...
...Originated in 1976 at the home of Descendant
Katie Henderson-Ravenell of St. George South Carolina. At that time the reunion was just the Henderson Family Reunion. This reunion took off with great momentum and flourished for many years taking place in South Carolina while traveling between St. George and Branchville South Carolina. After determining that there was a part of the family missing, they added the Syphrett Family to complete the family tree. The Henderson - Syphrett Family Reunion celebrates the union of John Henderson and Henretta Syphrett.
Now the Henderson - Syphrett Family Reunion will celebrate the 40th year of existence during the "Charlotte NC Henderson - Syphrett Family Reunion 2016".
Anthony aka "Tony" & Suzette aka "Jazzy" the husband and wife duo of the Descendants of Katie Henderson-Ravenell has taken on this honorable event for the Summer of 2016 in Charlotte North Carolina.
Lets take a brief look at our family Tree:
The "Henderson's"
John and Jane Henderson Birthed:
*John *Nathaniel *Lee * Joe * Solomon * Carrie * Daniel
*John and Henretta Birthed:
*Rosa Lee *Katie *John Jr (Booba) *Jack *Harvey *Jane *Albert *Gerline *Sophia *Callie Mae *Henrietta *Anna Rell
The "Syphrett's"
Albert and Katie Syphrett Birthed"
*Sam *Julius *Henretta *Mary *Emma
*Julius and Nola Birthed:
*Mary Ruth *Cleveland *Gerean *O'Nell *Clara *Addie *Julius Jr. *Rye *James Abraham *Shirley
***More to come at the Henderson - Syphrett Family Reunion 2016...